Yoga for Dash Dieters
Yoga is a wonderful way to exercise for Dash Dieters, it is a comprehensive mind-body system that provides tools to address every aspect of dieting. There are yoga practices for relaxation, reducing stress, dealing with difficult emotions, examining your thoughts and beliefs about weight loss, and training the mind to be less reactive to painful sensations.So depending on your current fitness level, I will give you different level of difficulty for the yoga poses
The practice of yoga involves a number of activities that have so many positive effects for healthy living.
They are
- Physical postures (asanas)
- Breathing exercises (pranayama)
- Meditation
- Sound (nada yoga)
- Mountain pose – increases your sense of inner strength
- Child’s pose – calms and quiets the mind
- Standing forward bend – to connect you to your source (the Earth)
- Cat/Cow sequence – helps stretch the spine and bring awareness to breathing
- Bridge pose, Camel pose and other back bends – opens the heart
- Pigeon pose elongates the back, opens the hips, groin, hamstrings, and relieves pressure on the lower back and sciatica.
- Reclined Big Toe pose offers a stretch to the hips, thighs, hamstrings and calves and strengthens the muscles around the knees
- Cross Legged seated twist improves side-to-side mobility; decreases backaches and hip pain
- Downward Facing Dog stimulates the entire body, relieves back pain and fatigue
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